Rodents need water and food to survive. If your yard has water and food sources for them, they’ll want to make it their home. So, you’ve got to be careful about what’s around the perimeter of your home if you want to avoid rodents coming around, messing up your house and your life.
Rodents Look for Water Sources
For starters, look around your yard for any potential water sources, such as bird baths, fountains or kiddie pools. If possible, locate them as far away from your house as possible. Then, look for plants and bushes and trees that might attract rodents with their fallen fruits, such as crabapples. If you have a vegetable garden, be aware that rodents love those. If you have a birdfeeder, chances are rodents will come around looking for spilled birdseed on the ground nearby.
Rodents Look for Food Sources
What are some other things rodents will look for in your yard? Gross as it might sound, they like dog poop! They’ll also like compost piles. And if you keep your garbage cans outdoors, with no lids, they’ll want to explore them. Meanwhile, if you’ve got a grill, they’re attracted to drippings from it.
Rodents Look for Shelter
Besides food and water, rodents also look for places to live and breed in your yard. They’ll try to take up residence in things such as leaf piles, overgrown bushes, woodpiles, junk piles and/or vehicles that don’t move or run. They also like sheds.
In order to keep rodents out of your yard (and house), then you want to keep the place clean and tidy. Get rid of fruit-bearing trees. Trim bushes. Clean up pet poop. Cover your garbage cans. Make sure your gutters work well so you don’t get pooling water. Harvest vegetables regularly. Seal cracks or holes in sheds, the garage, walls, roofs, etc.
If you currently have a rodent problem on your property, and you need to get rid of them quickly, what can you do? Reach out to Critter Capture and we will help you every step of the way.
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