Category: Snakes

Why Would a Snake Come on My Property?

A garter snake in the grass

The fear of snakes is called ophidiophobia. Most healthcare professionals think this fear is a combination of genetics, learned behavior and superstitions. Snakes, for a long, long time, have been associated with evil and temptation. That said, most people do not encounter snakes that often, unless they work at a zoo or happen to live… Read more »

Leave it to Professionals When Removing Snakes From Your Property

snake near a backyard shed

What do people fear? There’s public speaking, of course, but there are also several animals and critters people will literally run away from– rats, mice, cockroaches, spiders and snakes to name a few. Slithering along, snakes often surprise people. They come and go quickly. If you’ve seen one in your house, you were probably surprised… Read more »

What Can You Do to Keep Snakes Away From Your Property?

Snake Pest Control Problem

Few things are scarier than the sight of snakes. In fact, one recent survey revealed that more than 60 percent of people are more scared of snakes than anything else in life. If you dislike snakes and want to reduce the chances of ever coming into contact with one, you should make every effort to… Read more »